Clarling Around Mad Town

The Adventures of Claire and Karl

Karl + Claire= Clarl

Friday, July 9, 2010

It's Time You Know the Truth

I have a problem. An addiction actually. It's been going on for about five months now. Since March, I think. Karl has been very tolerant, very supportive. So have our families and the close friends that we've shared this with. But I think I'm ready to share this with everyone.

I am addicted to Bloom. Mostly the whoopie pies.

Bloom is an adorable bake shop in downtown Middleton. They are amazing. I often find myself slowing down when I drive by their store, staring longingly into the windows. Wondering if I should stop in and just see what they have. (How many whoopie pies is too many? I'm not sure there's even an answer to that question.) Sometimes I sit in my parked car outside, wringing my hands together. "Should I go in? I just ate two whoopie pies yesterday but I'm going to be gone this weekend, maybe I should get some more." Every day is a battle for me. Annemarie's delicious treats have taken over my life. I've lost my sense of self control.

Sundays and Mondays are extremely stressful days for me. Bloom is closed.

Every so often, Karl surprises me with a box from Bloom. Those are some of the greatest days of my life. I slowly open the box and peek inside and decide what to try first. (Yes, he gets me more than one treat at a time.) I usually try the frosting first, to decide which whoopie pie I want to eat first. And then, when I've had my first hit, I close my eyes and slowly rock back and forth as I enjoy the last few bites. It's an addiction.

Explore my addiction at

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