As most of you probably already know, Karl and I have recently put in our first garden together - yay! (Thanks to my parents for all the hard work - I owe you!)
So everything was going pretty well until . . . . we had our first bunny invasion.
Those. Darn. Bunnies. They look so cute and adorable. Sometimes I see them and think that I wouldn't mind having a sweet little bunny of my
own to cuddle with. But then they go and devour all of our vegetable plants in the garden! They mostly nibbled on the peppers and they ate half of two strawberries. Why can't they just eat a whole strawberry instead of ruining two? They really do love the peppers. Their favorite one also happened to be Karl's favorite too. (coincidence that he was born in the year of the rabbit? We're not sure yet.)
Well, we went and bought some fencing like everyone had told us to do. Turns out bunnies can walk right through the fencing we picked out. We're hoping it will act as a deterrent and that we have lazy bunnies living near us that won't want to take the extra effort to hop through our fence. Or maybe that we have a morbidly obese family of bunnies that won't be able to fit through our fence.
Another tip we had was to sprinkle dog or cat hair in the garden. We also sprinkled cayenne pepper on the plants. The problem with the cayenne is that you have to re apply every time it rains. And, if you're sprinkling cayenne on an edible piece of the plant then you had better be washing that plant before you eat it. We tried planting onions throughout the garden, I heard they don't like the smell of onions. Oh, and we put a separate circle of fence just around Karl's poor hot pepper plant. Hopefully it will still be able to make it.
The stinky spray. Karl bought an organic spray that smells really bad so that the bunnies don't want to come near the garden. Well guess what, it make me not want to come near the garden either. And I definitely don't want to spray it on anything that I'm going to be putting in my mouth either. It smells so bad. Garlic, onion, and dried blood. No, I don't know what kind of dried blood. It just says dried blood. That is some S-T-I-N-K-Y spray!
The combination of all these things has been working but we still see bunnies hanging out around the garden when we come home. We're open to suggestions from anyone. Karl came up with a couple of interesting solutions :
"In the new Terminator movie I think there was a gun that responded to movement and destroyed anything it sensed in a fury of bullets and blood. Can we get one?" "Can we put Ella out in the garden all night?"
Another one of his ideas had something to do with hanging a dismembered bunny carcass on the garden fencing. "As a warning."
I guess we'll stick with the stink spray for now.
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